Archive of month: November 2017

Smart money should back solar

We are on the verge of a revolutionary transformation able to power the last billion Considering the lukewarm results coming out of COP 23 in Bonn, it may seem foolhardy to believe in a world where we all enjoy driverless electric cars and every school and health centre across Africa is powered by clean, affordable […]

Petrobras regista lucro de 69,5 milhões de euros no terceiro trimestre do ano

A petrolífera estatal brasileira atribuiu o bom resultado, nomeadamente, ao aumento das exportações de petróleo e derivados.   A brasileira Petrobras obteve um lucro de 266 milhões de reais (69,5 milhões de euros) no terceiro trimestre do ano, recuperando do prejuízo de 16,4 mil milhões de reais (4,3 milhões de euros) registado no mesmo período […]

Economic Snapshot for Latin America

Regional recovery strengthens as election cycle begins Incoming data suggests that growth momentum is largely holding up across the Latin American economy and the recovery remains firmly underway. FocusEconomics analysts estimate that GDP expanded 1.6% annually in Q3, above Q2’s 1.1% increase. If confirmed, the result would mark the fastest growth rate since Q1 2014. […]